Oprah Interviews  Kim  Kardashian
I watch the full on interviews Oprah conducted with the entire Kardashian/Jenner family on OWN, but took a special interest in the conversation with Kim Kardashian – I wanted to know what a lot of people want to know (what’s going on in her mind). As always Oprah’s questions were on course, direct and to the point, directing her emphasis on what most of the world would ask given the opportunity to have a one-on-one.

In my view Kim was gracious, smart and as open and closed as expected.. I believe she was honest about her regrets and mistakes in life and her maturity in those instances. She’s truly a family oriented woman, appreciates her fans and has a brilliant way of using every opportunity, whether good or bad, as a stepping stone to gain even greater heights and success. She’s seemingly warm, inviting and all around nice – regardless of her public image, gossip and infamous tweets. Her private life was of a different matter. Although she tried to be as revealing as possible, she most definitely left many things to the imagination, undercover and hush hush.. and rightfully so, after all her life is her life and if she wasn’t in the spotlight – no one would care.

Overall I felt it was a good interview – one that has been long overdue and eye opening. The Kardashian/Jenner family is unmistakably unique, but just as regular as any other family with the highs.. lows.. otherwise.. and whatevers. I’ve learned I cant judge what I don’t know for sure and EVERYONE has skeleton in closets we would rather never have opened.. My hope is that with all her beauty, brains and business – personal and professional – she has a sense of faith, foundation and God, because when all else fails.. this is all that’s left.

Tracy R. Butler, Editor-N-Chief
June 25, 2012

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