Career & Business c
by Team Contributor – ALLISON TIBBS 

August 6, 2012
Staying Motivated is Key to Being Successful

The journey towards your success is one that can be a bit challenging, as it will require you to make sacrifices, step out of your comfort zone, and make big changes in your life. There have been times in my life when I wanted to throw in the towel and give up.  However, it was in those moments that I had to tap into something deep to keep pushing on – ultimately, I tapped into my “WHY?”.

In order to stay motivated, I encourage you to truly identify your “WHY?” or your reason for doing what you are doing.  For me, it’s simple. I want to be able to create a life of freedom where I can travel, not worry about money or debt, spend time with my loved ones, and create a legacy that will impact the world in a big way. When I think about my legacy, I think about how my companies, Marquise LLC and Allison Tibbs International, will allow me to help millions of people have success in their businesses and their lives.  I also think about how my non-profit organization, The Empower A Girl Foundation, will empower at least 1 MILLION girls across the globe. 

When I put it all in perspective, it becomes a mission, a life purpose, and a responsibility to be successful, because every moment that I’m not living in my full potential businesses are failing, people are struggling, and young girls are dealing with self-esteem issues.

I keep my “WHY?” in the forefront of my mind and it serves as a reminder for me daily.  I have even created a vision board where I cut out photos and words and glued them to poster board that I hang in my office. When I am having a moment, I look at that board the motivation to push through kicks into high gear. 

I encourage you to take a moment to stop and think about your “WHY?”.  This must be something that is very personal to you, like your definition for success, and there is no right or wrong answer.  The only requirement is that you make it meaningful to you, because if you don’t care it won’t matter if you succeed or fail.

These questions will help you to determine and understand your “WHY?” and help to keep you motivated.

·         What are your reasons for wanting more success in your life?
·         How will your life change as a result of your success?
·         How will you feel when you have achieved your success?
·         How will your success impact the important people in your life?
·         How will your success impact the lives of your community?

Your success doesn’t just affect you, so keep that in mind when you want to throw in the towel. Having a mindset of a champion, where failure is not an option, is necessary when you are positioning yourself for success.

July 23, 2012
Setting Effective Goals..

One of the most important things that you will need to possess is the ability to set effective goals.  As you work towards your success breakthrough, setting goals will be critical for keeping you focused and on track to succeed. When creating goals there are a few things that you should consider.

First, your goals should be very clear and include specific metrics of success.  Let’s say that you want Financial Success and you defined that as being able to pay off your debt and have enough money to purchase a car in cash.  Based off of this, your goal should indicate how much money you will need to save to pay off your debt and purchase your car. If you don’t have a clear number in mind, how will know how well you are doing to reach your goal. More importantly, how will you know when you have reached your goal?

Next, you want your goal to have a time limit.  When you put a date or a time limit on a goal it automatically puts a sense of urgency with the goal.  When I decided to quit my job and start my own company, I gave myself a date – December 18th, 2009.  When I sealed that date into my heart, I began to work diligently to make sure that I was prepared to actually leave my job on December 18th and luckily, I was able to.  There was an urgency, which prompted me to take the necessary actions needed and to avoid procrastinating.

Last, you want to make sure that your goal is challenging. This is important because in order to reach a goal, it will require you to make certain changes in your life and create new habits in order to have the success that you desire.  Let’s go back to the financial goal of saving money to pay off your debt and purchase a new car. For the sake of this example, let’s say that you need to save $50,000 to achieve your goal.  Yes, it is possible to save this amount of money, but it will require you to start eliminating some things like eating out and shopping every weekend. This might be a challenge for you, but it will be necessary to reach your goal in your allotted time frame that you set for yourself.

This week take some time to write down a few goals that you want to achieve.  Create three long-term goals that you would like to achieve over the next 3 – 5 years. Also, create 10 short-term goals that you would like to achieve over the next 18 months.  As you create your goals, make sure that they are specific with a metric for success, include a time limit, and are challenging. 

There is power in writing down your goals, so take your time and once you are down type up your list and print it out.  Put in a place that you can see them on a daily basis to help keep you focused.

July 9, 2012
Commit To Taking Action If You Want Success

In my last article, we discussed your Personal Mission Success Statement. I like to compare this to your GPS to help you get to your success breakthrough.  Now that you have a set direction in where you want to go and what you want to achieve, it will be important to put the actions in place to get you moving. Action is one of the key differentiators between people who say that want success and those who actually achieve it. Then I think of successful people, one thing I know that they all have in common is that they didn’t wait for things to happen.  No, they went out and made it happen by taking action.  If you want success in life, I mean really want success; you have to commit to taking action and putting in the work that is required.  As you begin on your journey, it may require you to do things that are uncomfortable (but that’s where success lies – outside your comfort zone) and it will require you to make sacrifices

Here is a little assignment that I want you to complete to help jumpstart your action plan.  On a clean sheet of paper, write down your Personal Mission Success Statement on the top of it. Next, jot down the following action items:

·         3 Things that you should do everyday that will bring you closer to your success breakthrough

·         3 new habits that you can develop over the next 30 days
·         3 distractions that you need to eliminate that may prevent you from reaching your success breakthrough
·         3 people that you should speak to once a week that will motivate and keep you accountable
·         3 people that you should limit communication with because they are negative and unsupportive

These action items will help you to start to develop the behaviors that you will need to reach your success breakthrough.  By committing to taking action, you are putting one step forward to finally having the success that you not only want, but also that you deserve.  Next, article we will take some time to do a bit of self discovery to identify what you can bring to the table to help you achieve your success breakthrough!

June 25, 2012
Your Personal Success Mission Statement

In the last article we discussed defining success on your own terms.  I think that is such a powerful thing for a woman to do, because it gives you freedom in charting your own course to success. Ultimately, it is setting you up to live the life of your dreams.  As we continue with the “Position Yourself For Success” series, I want you to now take time to develop a Personal Success Mission Statement.

In the same way that entrepreneurs and corporations create mission statements for their businesses, I want you to do the same thing for yourself.  A mission statement provides a nice guide or summary of what you want to accomplish.  For example, my mission statement is “Educating, Exposing, and Empowering people to live a life of passion, power, and purpose.”  This is so powerful for me, because it sums up how I want to live my life everyday.  Education is so important to move forward in life and so I make it an obligation to create tools, resources, books, and programs based on my areas of expertise that will help educate people.  Exposure is critical as you grow because it opens you up to new things, people, and experiences.  In my coaching business, I aim to push my clients to try and do new things and the results have been amazing for them.  Lastly, empowering people is the key to ensuring that you are making progress in your journey, especially when obstacles and challenges come your way.  Empowered people empower others, so I aim to empower as many people as I can.  However, the ultimate reward of this mission statement is that it reminds to live my life in passion, power, and purpose.  I can’t expect to help others reach success breakthroughs in their lives and businesses, if I am not implementing education, exposure and empowerment in my life.

Your Personal Success Mission Statement is great because it becomes to be a part of who you are and how you live your life.  It is a constant reminder of what you should be focusing on and ultimately, it gives you a keen sense of purpose and responsibility – to yourself, your success, and to others around you.  As you build your Personal Success Mission Statement, consider the following:

  • ·         What do you want to achieve?
  • ·         How will you get there?
  • ·         Who will help you to get there?
  • ·         How will you know that you have reached success?

The answers to your questions will help you to create your Personal Success Mission Statement.  In the next article, we will put some action items in place to help move you forward to your success breakthrough!

: Leave us your comment and let us know how this article has empowered you in your mission :

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