Motivating Your Life y
by Team Contributor - SHALONDA “Treasure” WILLIAMS

July 23, 2012
A Gentle Peck On The Cheek.. 

I don't know about you, but there are times when I have thought to myself That I should just quit; totally throw in the towel on all that I know to pursue. Obstacles come, seemingly out of nowhere at times, everything seems to happen all at once and the pressures are bearing down on your soul. Yup… I know you can relate! We all have had similar segments in this life.

Well, let me share with you what i have come to notice. I now notice that every single time I get to that point in my journey, every time i want to cave in, I get a special gift, straight from the lips of God!. It is in those times when I'll pass a billboard or see a commercial that has a message that is just for me - Or I will log onto Facebook or browse my email and find that there is a letter or comment from someone who has been impacted by my purpose. Or i'll get a surprise phone call or visit that immediately lifts me out of the pit!

I call these my special "Pecks on the Cheeks" from God. So Sweet! So Personal! So On Time!

I invite you to watch out for these any time you feel like you want to faint - and then smile, knowing that you are loved!

July 9, 2012
Hearing What Your Life Has To Say..

Valorie Burton wrote a book entitled "Listen To Your Life". This book is a guide to help you find your unique path to extraordinary success. Valorie says, "The best answers always come when we pose questions that get to the core of an issue." If this statement is true, I have a question to pose to you. What is your life saying to you? However, my question is about the unique path to finding You. What is it saying to You about Your levels of contentment, worth and peace?

After speaking to several individuals I have realized that we are not so different after all. We all want attention and love. We may, however, go about getting those things in different ways.

My way of getting attention was always sexual. I made it my business to be a person that others would enjoy looking at and want to "be" with. Did I just want the sexual favors? No! What I wanted was that so-called love and affection, time and attention. I wanted to be noticed and validated. Why? Because it is in us to want those things and when we feel a void in any area of our lives we are determined to fill it.

What changed with me? Well, honestly, I still want the love and attention, but I have learned how to give it to myself first and allow everything else to flow to me based on how I do that. Meaning, if my love for self is healthy then no one else can come along and offer me unhealthy or shabby love!

My life was screaming for some relief from the pressure of trying to find "love". Everything about my life, at this time, felt false. I was angry with anyone who did not give me the time I wanted. I would cry after every encounter with a man. I was miserable. So, I had to listen to my life!

You must listen to your life as well. What is screaming for you to let go of? What, in your life, is showing you that you need to make some changes; that you need to grow? What is it that you need to realize in order to find that unique path of yours? Meditate on that and then journey to let it go of those things; dare to grow and find your path.

: Leave us your comment and let us know how this article has empowered you in your life :

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