Celebrate  Someone Else


We need to learn to celebrate others while you can. You never know when someone may depart this place called Earth. CELEBRATE THEM WHILE THEY ARE HERE...you are worth celebrating so celebrate someone else.

Should anyone need validation? It is not about someone needing to be validated. It is about what the energy of celebration creates and what it means. When we are able to celebrate others, what we are essentially doing is validating the very same thing in ourselves. We are validating our own greatness by recognizing greatness in someone else. You can’t be great if you don’t recognize it when you see it.

So what does it mean to celebrate someone else? Is it simply to compliment them? To celebrate someone else is to rejoice, delight, and bask in someone else’s success. By celebrating someone else just for who they are and/or for their success, you are acknowledging that the very same thing is possible in your life. You are literally aligning with that “success energy.”

With this in mind, the next time a friend or even a total stranger is being celebrated for a promotion, a beautiful picture, an achievement among friends, reaching a personal goal, or even winning a board game, celebrate with them and allow that wonderful energy of success to flow in your life. Remember, we can only have what we are willing to give.

August 17, 2012

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